Output files#

By default, the delta.pipeline.Pipeline will save 2 files per processed position:

  • A netCDF file (.nc) that can be used to reload the corresponding Position object in memory. It contains all the segmentation, tracking, lineage and cell morphology information.

  • An MP4 movie file to quickly check visually the quality of the segmentation and tracking.

netCDF results file#

Both the delta.pipeline.ROI and delta.pipeline.Position (a collection of ROI s) can be saved as netCDF files (.nc). This is a standard, open format for multidimensional data, which relies on the HDF5 backend.


This means that netCDF4 files are also HDF5 files! They can be read by both a netCDF reader or an HDF5 reader.

While you can read the .nc files with any programming language and netCDF library, the easiest is to use DeLTA itself, to regenerate the Position or ROI from the file. For example, let’s load a file from DeLTA’s test suite:

import delta
pos = delta.pipeline.Position.load_netcdf(

Check out Lineage and Cells for more information on how to access single-cell extracted features from this position.

xarray ROI representation#

While the delta.pipeline.ROI is how DeLTA stores cell and lineage information in memory, this information can also be represented differently, in the form of a collection of multidimensional rectangular arrays. The Python library xarray offers a really convenient way to manipulate this format.


The netCDF file is actually a direct transcription of this style of multidimensional arrays.

Let’s examine for example the first (and only) ROI of the previous position:

roi = pos.rois[0]
# Let's draw the schematic lineage to see what the ROI looks like
frames    : ..........
cell #0001: ╺╼╼╼╼╼┮╼╼╼
cell #0002:       ┕╼╼╼
# Convert the ROI into an xarray dataset
dataset = roi.to_xarray()
Dimensions:            (frame: 10, y_orig: 520, x_orig: 696, channel: 0,
                        y_resized: 520, x_resized: 696, cell: 2, yx: 2, edge: 4)
  * frame              (frame) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  * y_orig             (y_orig) int16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 514 515 516 517 518 519
  * x_orig             (x_orig) int16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 690 691 692 693 694 695
  * channel            (channel) uint8
  * y_resized          (y_resized) int16 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 514 515 516 517 518 519
  * x_resized          (x_resized) int16 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 690 691 692 693 694 695
  * cell               (cell) uint16 1 2
  * yx                 (yx) <U1 'y' 'x'
  * edge               (edge) <U2 '-x' '+x' '-y' '+y'
Data variables:
    img_stack          (frame, y_orig, x_orig) float32 0.6218 0.5829 ... 0.4563
    fluo_stack         (frame, channel, y_orig, x_orig) float64
    seg_stack          (frame, y_resized, x_resized) bool False False ... False
    label_stack        (frame, y_orig, x_orig) uint16 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0
    mother             (cell) uint16 0 1
    daughter           (cell, frame) uint16 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    new_pole           (cell, frame, yx) int16 262 344 260 345 ... 348 260 349
    old_pole           (cell, frame, yx) int16 261 366 260 367 ... 334 264 332
    edges              (cell, frame, edge) bool False False ... False False
    fluo               (cell, frame, channel) float32
    length             (cell, frame) float32 26.0 29.0 30.0 ... 20.0 22.77 25.22
    width              (cell, frame) float32 8.0 7.0 7.98 ... 7.0 8.591 7.761
    area               (cell, frame) float32 157.0 168.0 173.0 ... 139.0 144.5
    perimeter          (cell, frame) float32 60.97 66.14 68.97 ... 56.14 60.38
    growthrate_length  (cell, frame) float32 0.1469 0.07147 ... 0.116 0.08876
    growthrate_area    (cell, frame) float32 0.08691 0.04852 ... -0.000908
    roi_nb:               0
    box:                  {'xtl': 0, 'ytl': 0, 'xbr': 696, 'ybr': 520}
    scaling:              [1. 1.]
    config:               {'presets': '2D', 'models': ('seg', 'track'), 'mode...
    DeLTA_version:        2.0b0.post552+git.9975e8a0.dirty
    file_format_version:  0.1.0
    seg_model_hash:       cbc41b1da67be541fa16e9d8724f7a93e6bc4ffbc4de240ee9a...
    track_model_hash:     97456c17e923a598511c8fc7d1424af5ac67b3f96061756cf08...

The coordinates include the frame number, cell number, pixel positions, and others. The data variables correspond to the cell features, and each one is a rectangular array whose every axis corresponds to one of the coordinates. They can behave as numpy arrays, but you can also use the .sel function to make extra sure that you don’t make indexing mistakes. For example, to select the length of the mother cell (cellid 1) at frame 3:

## with .sel
assert dataset.length.sel(cell=1, frame=3) == 33
# works in any order
assert dataset.length.sel(frame=3, cell=1) == 33

## numpy style
# length has size (cell, frame) so we give the cell first
# but the cell coordinate starts at 1, so we give 0
assert dataset.length[0, 3] == 33

It is also possible to make partial selections, for example to get the length of all cells at frame 3:

<xarray.DataArray 'length' (cell: 2)>
array([33., nan], dtype=float32)
    frame    int64 3
  * cell     (cell) uint16 1 2

We obtain an array of shape (cell,), and values [33, nan]. The nan is for the daughter cell (cellid 2) which is not present yet at frame 3.


To read netCDF files in MATLAB, the three main functions to know are ncinfo, ncdisp and ncreadatt.

Let’s consider for example the file tests/data/movie_mothermachine_tif/expected_results/Position000001.nc. To understand its structure, let’s use ncinfo:

info = ncinfo("Position000001.nc");

% Let's get the ROI names
ans =


ans =



ans =


So this position has 18 ROIs labeled from roi00 to roi18. Let’s display the first one, with the function ncdisp:

ncdisp("Position000001.nc", "roi00")
               config              = '{'presets': 'mothermachine', 'models': ('rois', 'seg', 'track'), 'model_file_rois': None, 'model_file_seg': None, 'model_file_track': None, 'target_size_rois': (512, 512), 'target_size_seg': (256, 32), 'target_size_track': (256, 32), 'training_set_rois': None, 'training_set_seg': None, 'training_set_track': None, 'eval_movie': None, 'rotation_correction': True, 'drift_correction': True, 'whole_frame_drift': False, 'crop_windows': False, 'min_roi_area': 500, 'min_cell_area': 20, 'memory_growth_limit': None, 'pipeline_seg_batch': 1, 'pipeline_track_batch': 64, 'pipeline_chunk_size': 64, 'number_of_cores': None}'
               seg_model_hash      = '170993419adadec9930bf5fc592088f21822260f94407ea8a3a3274e602fc2f4'
               rois_model_hash     = '759cc9892952c9c52a784d7cfe61531b5b28d54e01b6af3017516047913c61c2'
               box                 = '{'xtl': 21, 'ytl': 71, 'xbr': 43, 'ybr': 282}'
               scaling             = [0.82422      0.6875]
               roi_nb              = 0
               DeLTA_version       = '2.0b0.post552+git.9975e8a0.dirty'
               file_format_version = '0.1.0'
               track_model_hash    = '22386220137936677eb652ee370ad78cc6f887df83ff65888fc74e7666d333aa'
               frame     = 10
               y_orig    = 211
               x_orig    = 22
               channel   = 1
               y_resized = 256
               x_resized = 32
               cell      = 9
               yx        = 2
               edge      = 4
               Size:       10x1
               Dimensions: frame
               Datatype:   int64


               Size:       9x1
               Dimensions: cell
               Datatype:   uint16
               Size:       9x1
               Dimensions: cell
               Datatype:   uint16
               Size:       10x9
               Dimensions: frame,cell
               Datatype:   uint16


               Size:       10x9
               Dimensions: frame,cell
               Datatype:   single
                           _FillValue = NaN


               Size:       10x9
               Dimensions: frame,cell
               Datatype:   single
                           _FillValue = NaN

You can read the attributes with the function ncreadatt, and the variables with the function ncread. A netCDF file behaves like a directory tree: if we want the variable length from the group roi00, we access it by giving roi00/length to the function ncread:

lengths = ncread("Position000001.nc", "roi00/length")
lengths =

   30.0000   27.0000   24.0000   25.1104   17.0000       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
   32.0000   30.0000   28.0000   28.0000   21.0000       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
   36.0000   35.0000   30.0000   31.1268       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
   39.0000   18.0000   37.0000       NaN       NaN   18.0000       NaN       NaN       NaN
   43.0000   21.0000   20.0000       NaN       NaN   21.0000   19.0000       NaN       NaN
   25.0000   24.0000   26.0000       NaN       NaN   26.0000       NaN   21.0000       NaN
   27.0000   27.0000   29.0000       NaN       NaN   30.0000       NaN   24.0000       NaN
   30.0000   29.0000       NaN       NaN       NaN   36.0000       NaN   26.0000       NaN
   34.0000   34.0000       NaN       NaN       NaN   19.0000       NaN   30.0000   18.0000
   36.0000   40.0000       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN   34.0000       NaN

From the output of ncdisp, we know that the first dimension of this array corresponds to frames, and the second to cells. The frame numbers and cell numbers are respectively available in the same way, with ncread("Position000001.nc", "roi00/frames") and ncread("Position000001.nc", "roi00/cells").

Finally, to iterate over ROIs, we can loop over the group names:

for group in info.Groups
    ncread("Position000001.nc", group.Name + "/length")
Legacy MAT files (deprecated)


This functionality is deprecated and the information below might be outdated. We might even remove the possibility to create MAT files in a future release. To read DeLTA results with MATLAB, we strongly recommend instead reading the .nc file with the built-in MATLAB functions described above.

The Matlab MAT file can be loaded in Matlab of course but also in python:

delta_result = scipy.io.loadmat('PositionXXXXXX.mat', simplify_cells=True)

The data structure is presented as if loaded in python here. The structure is generally the same if the MAT file is loaded in Matlab. The following equivalencies can be used for data structures:

  • float32 <=> single

  • dict <=> struct

  • list <=> cell

Because this was originally written for Matlab only, the data structure is not optimal for python, especially when it comes to indexing: A lot of elements use 1-based indexing when python indexing is usually 0-based. We try to be as clear as possible about these cases here. The notes about 0-based & 1-based indexing can generally be ignored if the data is loaded in Matlab.

For each position, the data structure is as follows:

delta_result : dict
DeLTA data loaded from the MAT file.
|---moviedimensions : 1D array of int
|       Dimensions of the experiment movie stored as [Y, X, Channels,
|       frames].
|---tiffile : str
|       Path to the original experiment file. Can be a tif file, nd2, czi, oib
|       or other Bio-formats files, or a folder with an image sequence.
|---proc : dict
|       Dictionary of data relevant to image preprocessing operations.
|       Fields:
|       |
|       |---chambers : 2D array of float32
|       |       Bounding box of detected chambers in the image, stored as
|       |       [X top left corner, Y top left corner, width, height].
|       |       Dimensions are chamber -by- 4.
|       |
|       |---rotation : float32
|       |       Rotation angle to apply to get chambers horizontal, in degrees.
|       |
|       |---XYdrift : 2D array of float32
|               Image drift estimated over time, stored as [Y, X]. Dimensions
|               are frames -by- 2.
|---res : list of dict
        List of dictionaries containing data relevant to segmentation and
        lineages for each chamber in the FOV.
        |---labelsstack : 3D array of uint16
        |       Stack of images containing labelled segmentation masks. Each
        |       single cell is uniquely labelled. Labels use 1-based indexing:
        |       In python, Label L in the stack corresponds to cell #L-1 in the
        |       lineage list (see below). The dimensions are frames -by-
        |       U-Net size y -by- U-Net size x.
        |---labelsstack_resized : 3D array of uint16
        |       Same as labelstack above, except it has been resized from the
        |       256 -by- 32 default dimensions of the U-Nets to the original
        |       dimensions of the chamber bounding box. Dimensions are
        |       frames -by- box_height -by- box_width
        |---lineage: list of dict
                Lineage information for all cells detected and tracked in the
                |---area : 1D array of float32
                |       Cell area over time, in pixels.
                |---daughters : 1D array of float32
                |       Daughter cells over time. 0 if no division happened at
                |       timepoint, otherwise daughters are indexed with 1-based
                |       indexes: In python, daughter D corresponds to
                |       cell/item #D-1 in lineage list.
                |---edges : array of str
                |       Which edges of the ROI the cell is currently touching.
                |---fluo1/fluo2/fluo3... : 1D array of float32
                |       Mean fluorescence value over time.
                |---frames : 1D array of float32
                |       Frame numbers where the cell is present.
                |       Frame numbers use 1-based indexing: In python, Frame
                |       number F here corresponds to frame/timepoint #F-1 in
                |       labelsstack for example.
                |---growthrate_area : 1D array of float32
                |       Growth rate over time, based on cell area,
                |       unit: 1 / frame interval. To convert to
                |       1 / h (for example), divide these values by
                |       the time interval between frames in hours.
                |---growthrate_length : 1D array of float32
                |       Growth rate over time, based on cell length,
                |       unit: 1 / frame interval. To convert to
                |       1 / h (for example), divide these values by
                |       the time interval between frames in hours.
                |---length : 1D array of float32
                |       Cell length over time, in pixels.
                |---mother : int
                |       Mother cell number for this cell. 0 if no mother
                |       detected (eg first timepoint), 1-based indexing
                |       otherwise: In python, mother M is cell/item #M-1 in
                |       this lineage list.
                |---new_pole : 2D array of float32
                |       Position of the new pole of the cell, over time.
                |       Note that positions are given as (Y, X) vectors.
                |       Dimensions are frames -by- 2.
                |---old_pole : 2D array of float32
                |       Position of the old pole of the cell, over time.
                |       Note that positions are given as (Y, X) vectors.
                |       Dimensions are frames -by- 2.
                |---perimeter : 1D array of float32
                |       Perimeter of the cell, in number of pixels.
                |---width : 1D array of float32
                        Cell width over time, in pixels.

MP4 movie file#

This one is straight-forward: An MP4 movie file with h264 codecs is saved to disk for quick checking of outputs quality.