
class delta.lineage.Lineage(cells=<factory>)[source]#

Represents the cell lineages contained in a ROI.

Only two functions are required to create a full lineage tree:
  • create and extend to create a cell and extend it frame after frame;

    frames : 0....5....        0....5....
    cell #1:                   ╺
    frames : 0....5....        0....5....
    cell #1: ╺╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼        ╺╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼
    cell #2:                        ╺
             create(frame=5, motherid=1)
    frames : 0....5....        0....5....
    cell #1: ╺╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼        ╺╼╼╼╼┮╼╼╼╼
    cell #2:                        ┕
    frames : 0....5....        0....5....
    cell #1: ╺╼╼╼╼┮╼╼╼╼        ╺╼╼╼╼┮╼╼╼╼
    cell #2:      ┕                 ┕╼
To manipulate an already created tree, one needs four more:
  • split and merge, to split a cell into two cells, and reverse the operation;

  • adopt, to change the mother of a cell;

  • pivot, to switch the roles of mother and daughter cells.

The use of these methods is best illustrated by the following diagrams:

              split(1, frame=5)
frames : 0....5....        0....5....
cell #1: ╺╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼        ╺╼╼╼╼
cell #2:                        ╺╼╼╼╼
                 merge(2, 1)

                 adopt(2, 1)        pivot(2)        adopt(2, None)
                ------------>     ------------>     ------------->
frames : 0..3......        0..3......        0..3......        0..3......
cell #1: ╺╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼        ╺╼╼┮╼╼╼╼╼╼        ╺╼╼┮╼╼╼           ╺╼╼╼╼╼╼
cell #2:    ╺╼╼╼              ┕╼╼╼              ┕╼╼╼╼╼╼           ╺╼╼╼╼╼╼
                <------------     <------------     <-------------
                adopt(2, None)       pivot(2)         adopt(2, 1)



adopt(cellid, motherid)

Attribute a new mother motherid (which can be None) to the cell cellid.

compare(other[, level])

Print or return the list of differences between two Lineage objects.


Compute the growth rates of all cells on all frames and store them.

create(frame, features[, motherid])

Create a new cell at frame frame.

extend(cellid, features)

Extend cellid with one more frame.

merge(cellid, merge_into_cellid)

Rename a cell (cellid) to merge it into another one (merge_into_cellid).


Swap the roles between cell cellid and its mother.

split(cellid, frame)

Break a cell lineage into two independent cell lineages.

swap_poles(cellid[, frame])

Swap the poles of the cell cellid for all the frames or for frame frame onwards.

