
We welcome contributions to DeLTA!

You can send us your training data if you think it will benefit the community. Reach out via Gitlab’s issue system :)

If you want to help with the development, you can fork DeLTA and submit Merge Requests on Gitlab. If you plan on implementing significant changes, please coordinate with us first.

Development environment#

We use a few of extra packages to facilitate development. These are listed in the delta_dev.yml file, you can install it in the same way that the delta_env.yml file is installed.

Specifically the extra dependencies are:

  • pytest

  • sphinx

  • numpydoc

  • pre-commit

CI/CD pipeline#

Thanks to gitlab’s generous Open Source Program, we are now able to systematically run tests for all merge requests. This is implemented via the .gitlab-ci.yml file at the root of the repository.

You can opt-out of the tests by adding the tests::block tag to the merge request. Alternatively, you can force the tests to be trigger even if your merge request does not merge into main branch by adding the tests::force tag to it. The tests::default is equivalent to not having any tag.


You can build the documentation locally with the following commands:

$ sphinx-build -b html docs/ wherever/

However, we use to automatically build them and host them for us:

The docs on any other branch can be built on demand from the dashboard on the dashboard. To get access to it, first create an account and one of the current maintainers needs to add you as a maintainer under their admin menu. The file .readthedocs.yml manages settings specific to the online build and deployment of the docs.