Results analysis

Here are a few examples on how the data can be analyzed. These examples are not necessarily interesting in their results but they demonstrate various ways to analyze data from the output files. The MAT files can also be loaded and analyzed in Matlab, and the general logic of the analysis would be the same although there are some minor differences in how to index arrays and cells (See Output files)

2D results from .pkl file and Position/Lineage object

First after running e.g. on the 2D evaluation movie you can reload the data to memory from the pickle file:

reader = delta.utilities.xpreader(delta.config.eval_movie)
processor = delta.pipeline.Pipeline(reader, reload=True)


There are many ways to reload the pickle file to memory. See output files

Then, for the first and only position, retrieve the lineage for the region of interest (ie the whole frame):

lin = processor.positions[0].rois[0].lineage

Check which cells are present in the first frame:

first_cells = lin.cellnumbers[0]

Plot each cell’s length over time, with different colors for the first cells:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for cell in lin.cells:
    if cell['id'] not in first_cells:

for cnb in first_cells:
    cell = lin.cells[cnb]

plt.xlabel('frame #')
plt.ylabel('length (pixels)')

You should get this:

A plot of the imaged cell's length over time. The two initial cells are colored while others are gray.

You can also display which cells are descended from either of the first two cells on the last frame.

First define a function to retrieve which of the first two cells is the ancestor:

def which_first(lineage, cell_nb, first_cells):

    # Get cell dict:
    cell = lineage.cells[cell_nb]

    # If orphan or reached one of the first two cells:
    if cell['mother'] is None or cell['mother'] in first_cells:
        return cell['mother']

    # Otherwise go up the lineage tree:
        return which_first(lineage, cell['mother'], first_cells)

Then go over every cell of the last frame to reconstruct the image based on each cells’ ancestry:

import numpy as np

# Last labels frame:
labels = processor.positions[0].rois[0].label_stack[-1]

# Initialize color image (all light gray)
color_image = np.full(

# Go over cells in last frame:
for cnb in lin.cellnumbers[-1]:

    # Which initial cell is ancestor?
    ancestor = which_first(lin, cnb, first_cells)

    # Pick color based on ancestor:
    if ancestor is None:
        if cnb==0:
        elif cnb==1:
    elif ancestor==0:
    elif ancestor==1:

    # Color in the cell:
    for c, val in enumerate(color):


Which should give you something like:

A colored representation of the last frame where cells are colored according to ancestry

Mother machine from MAT file


Here we are loading the MAT file in python. Because this format is originally intended for Matlab, some indexes need to be decreased by 1 in a few places. The logic presented here is otherwise applicable to Matlab

Here we load the MAT file with scipy:

from import loadmat

reloaded = loadmat('Position000002.mat',simplify_cells=True)

Then we can plot the fluorescence for the mother cell and its daugthers in the sixth chamber:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Lineage of sixth chamber (index 5 in python)
chamber = 5
lin = reloaded['res'][chamber]['lineage']

# Mother cell:
mother = lin[0]

# Plot daughters fluorescence:
for daughter_nb in mother['daughters']:
    if daughter_nb > 0:
        daughter = lin[int(daughter_nb)-1] # No -1 in Matlab

# Plot mother fluorescence:
plt.plot(mother['frames'], mother['fluo1'])

plt.xlabel('frame #')
plt.ylabel('GFP (a.u.)')

Which should give you:

A plot of a mother's cell fluorescence over time (blue) and of its daughters (gray)

And we can also reconstruct the whole field of view and color cells based on their generation:

import numpy as np
import as cmap

# Function to count number of generations:
def generation(lineage, cell_nb):

    if lineage[cell_nb-1]['mother']==0: # No -1 in Matlab
        return 0
        return generation(lineage, lineage[cell_nb-1]['mother']) +1 # No -1 in Matlab

frame = 100 # Some random frame
imshape = tuple(reloaded['moviedimensions'][0:2])

# Init colored image:
color_image = np.full(
    shape = imshape + (3,),
    dtype = np.uint8

# Colormap for the generations:
colormap = cmap.get_cmap('plasma',lut=5)

# Go over ROIs/chambers:
for roi, roi_pos in zip(reloaded['res'],reloaded['proc']['chambers']):

    # Chamber lineage:
    lin = roi['lineage']

    # Labels image for frame:
    labels = roi['labelsstack_resized'][frame]

    # Cells present in frame:
    cells = np.unique(labels)[1:]

    # Go over each cell:
    for cell in cells:

        # Get generation and color:
        cell_gen = generation(lin, cell)
        color = colormap(cell_gen)

        # Draw cell:
        pixels = np.where(labels==cell)
        for c, val in enumerate(color[0:3]):


Which should produce an image like this:

Reconstructed mother machine colored image where cells are color-coded by generation