Downloading assets

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We provide archives of our trained models, training sets, and evaluation movies in this google drive folder

You can download them manually, but the assets module allows you to download and save them automatically, and also to generate the JSON config files that points to their location so you can start using DeLTA right away.

You will only need to run this once after install, unless you want to re-download assets.

Automated download

You can download assets interactively simply by executing the following line in python after importing delta:


For a first installation/use, we recommend downloading all assets and setting the configuration level to ‘global’. See Configuration files for more information.

Please note that some of these datasets are several GBs in size and the download process can take a while. By default they are saved in an ‘assets’ folder under the delta installation path. If you are only interested in running DeLTA as-is, without retraining or evaluating outputs, you can only accept the models and save the corresponding config file, the pipeline will run.

Download and path options

You can also specify which assets to download if you want to automate the process:


or specify where to save them, for example if you don’t want them to be saved under the installation directory:
